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Descriptive Analysis: Take it easy!

INTRODUCTION A descriptive analysis is an important first step for conducting statistical analyses. It gives you an idea of the distribution of your data, helps you detect outliers and typos, and enable you identify associations among variables, thus making you ready to conduct further statistical analyses.  However, with availability of so many types of graphical and summary approaches, investigators get confused about which approach to use for analysis of their… Read More »Descriptive Analysis: Take it easy!

Sample Size Calculations and Visualisations

Statulator is a free online statistical program that conducts statistical analyses, interprets the results and provides suggestions about reporting them. It can be accessed by clicking here. It includes a suite of sample size calculators for six scenarios: estimating a single proportion, comparing two independent proportions, comparing paired proportions, estimating a single mean, comparing two independent means and comparing paired means.  All sample size calculators provide live interpretations of the estimated sample sizes in plain English.… Read More »Sample Size Calculations and Visualisations